PRE-2: Lower to mid-Cretaceous of the Western Carpathians, Slovakia (1 day bus excursion)
This field trip to Slovakia will include key points for stratigraphy and facies of Lower and mid-Cretaceous of the Western Carpathians, including the Pieniny Klippen Belt. The route will inlcude localities Devinska Nova Ves–Slovinec, Rohoznik-Tmavy jarok, Nové Mesto-Hrusove, Vrsatec-Strapkova, and Ladce-Butkov Quarry.
The one-day bus field trip starts and ends in Vienna. Needs Schengen-Visa for crossing border from Austria to Slovakia.
Physical conditions: light to medium; walks along roads or trails.
Weather: maybe hot with up to 30 degrees, but may be also rainy.